This is a search plugin for Firefox to do username lookups on 1. Copy wyht.src and wyht.png to your searchplugins location. Windows: Go to your Firefox dir, and the searchplugins dir inside it. Macintosh: I'm told you have to right-click/Ctrl+Click on the Firefox app and "Show Package Contents" to get to /Contents/MacOS/searchplugins/ Easy: 2. Restart Firefox, click the Google G in the search bar to bring up the list of search plugins. 3. Select the WYHT icon. Advanced: 2. Type about:config in the address bar of Firefox. 3. In the filter line, type "search" 4. Change the following values: = WYHT = WYHT = Google = WYHT 5. Restart Firefox. - Medlir - WYHT image used to create icon made by Doug Arley