I have been playing Halo for a long time and have found a way to affect how far the sniper rifle zooms in, I dont know if anyone else has found out how to do this so I'll post it here. I'm assuming you know how to get the "cache00x.map" file for blood gulch. Goto offset 0x02926060 You'll see the following: 00000200 00000040 00000041 35FA8E3C The first 02, is how many zooms the weapon has, obviously the Sniper Rifle has 2, one for 2x and one for 10x. The next 2 dwords are the Zoom distance. They are floating point numbers. 0x40000000 = 2.0 for the 2x zoom, while 0x41000000 = 8.0 for the 10x zoom distance. Change the 00000041 to 00000042, and zoom your Sniper Rifle into 10x, you should clearly notice its zooming further. You can modify the 2x to be 4.0 floating point number 00008040 to make the 2x zoom better as well. All of the weapons have these values, you can even put a zoom onto a Shotgun if you want. Look at how this works, the info on the Sniper Rifle is... === INDEX ITEM 1172 === (0x23448A4) Tag class 0: 'weap' Weapon Tag class 1: 'item' Item Tag class 2: 'obje' Object Unknown1: 3859285140 E6080494 (00101001001000000001000001100111) Filename Offset: 37050320 23557D0 Offset: 43146376 2925C88 Raw Offset: 80990688 Filename: weapons\sniper rifle\sniper rifle offset 0x02926060 - 0x02925C88 = 0x3D8, so find the weapon you want to change, for example, the shotgun. === INDEX ITEM 918 === (0x23428E4) Tag class 0: 'weap' Weapon Tag class 1: 'item' Item Tag class 2: 'obje' Object Unknown1: 3842638742 E50A0396 (01101001110000000101000010100111) Filename Offset: 37039805 2352EBD Offset: 42605588 28A1C14 Raw Offset: 8090C614 Filename: weapons\shotgun\shotgun === END INDEX ITEM 918 === It's at offset 0x028A1C14 + 0x3D8, goto this address 0x28A1FEC You will find 00000000 00000000 00000000 5077D63D, notice the first 3 dwords are 00's, thats obviously because it has no zoom, so to give it the same zoom as the Sniper Rifle, change the 00000000 00000000 00000000 to 00000200 00000040 00000041 And then your Shotgun will have a 2x and 10x zoom, it wont say 2x/10x on the screen, but it will still zoom in. All weapons could be done in this same way. Also, you could in theory find out where it tells how much damage the weapons do inside the weapon info area, and add the ability to do damage with the newly found flamethrower and gravity guns. I havent found the damage modifier yet, but if I do I'll post it. Also, the 4th dword after the 00000041, seems to be a range modifier of how close you have to be to target the enemy, I changed the 35FA8E3C part of the Sniper Rifle zoom to 00000046 and my target turns red a while before I get it highlighted on a player, and when you shoot, most of the time it hits the player as well. -CMX http://www.cmgsccc.com