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.: timestamp( ${date}.${time} )
"""; if (($p.view == "friends") or ($p.view == "entry")) { " :: owner( "; if ($e.poster.username != $e.journal.username) { ""+${e.poster.username}+""; "(?) posted in "; } ""+${e.journal.username}+""; "(?) )
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.: currents
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.: timestamp( ${date}.${time} )
"""; " :: owner( "; if (defined $.replyto.poster) { if ($.replyto.poster.username != $.replyto.journal.username) { ""+${.replyto.poster.username}+""; "(?) posted in "; } ""+${.replyto.journal.username}+""; "(?)"; } else { "Anonymous"; } " )
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.: currents
"""; foreach var string k ($.entry.metadata) { var string text = $k; var string val = $.entry.metadata{$k}; """:: ${text}( ${val} )
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"""; """

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.: timestamp( ${date}.${time} )
"""; " :: owner( "; if (defined $c.poster) { """${c.poster.username}(?)"""; } else { "Anonymous"; } if ($c.metadata{"poster_ip"}) { """ :: ${c.metadata{"poster_ip"}}"""; } " )
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"; " :: depth( ${c.depth} )
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"""; print $c.text; """

"""; } ################################################################## function CommentInfo::print () { if (not $.enabled) { return; } """"; } function YearPage::print_year_links () { """"; } function YearPage::print_month (YearMonth m) { if (not $m.has_entries) { return; } """
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