#minitokyo statistics generated by Medlir

Statistics generated from Tuesday 23.11.2004 to Friday 15.4.2011
2512 people visited #minitokyo during this 2335-day reporting period

1. Main page | 2. Detailed info

Daily activity






























17.3 18.3 19.3 20.3 21.3 22.3 23.3 24.3 25.3 26.3 27.3 28.3 29.3 30.3 31.3 1.4 2.4 3.4 4.4 5.4 6.4 7.4 8.4 9.4 10.4 11.4 12.4 13.4 14.4 15.4

Hours 0-6 Hours 6-12 Hours 12-18 Hours 18-24

Hourly activity on #minitokyo

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Weekly channel utilization

Monday 13.9% Tuesday 13.0% Wednesday 13.0% Thursday 13.2% Friday 13.0% Saturday 16.6% Sunday 17.4%

The most active nicks

(Nicks sorted by number of lines written)

  Nick Line Count Sample Quote
1 @Bromithia 90271 "congratz on ur wall ^^"
2 @jackalx66 89628 "Page File: Used: 345/1250MB"
3 @TheRavenIsUnSkill 78445 "Our dog could chase his tail sometimes"
4 @CyanideBlizzard 77836 "My hands will blow up someday."
5 @w00tazn 66731 "and he's downloading it right now"
6 @frozenwilderness 61682 "ever notice how sometimes people look much better in some pictures..."
7 @Limality 58987 "damn where can i get the bleach opening?"
8 %MadWiz 52924 "o_O there are calves that eat meat"
9 @Katzbalger 49396 "KARARA FOR THE WIN XD"
10 @aibuster 48099 "hey theres alrady a wall with that scan!"
11 %winterlilac09 47830 "yea :x my aunt divorced with my uncle. i don't really like her new boyfriend..."
12 @sammo 43929 "movies have more budget ratio and have more careful planning \o/"
13 @|Osiris| 43658 "that face doesnt suit a manly girl like you"
14 @candy-chan 41897 "why were they deleted?"
15 @ShiNN84 40255 "they shouldn't have said dec 8 then"
16 +merynoko 36035 "rusted a graphics card"
17 *muz 35886 "the night is still young"
18 @Dustin` 34160 "no wait.. more faster"
19 @FallenAngel 32212 "mt finally worked for me @_@"
20 @nekosasu 31084 "i think now i got a good idea"
21 @TheRavenIsABot 31052 "306. Most salad dressings derive the majority of their calories from____?"
22 %Chopstickz 24169 "who made those questions?"
23 %bart416 22781 "MadWiz, I could blast that flawless guy of your planet but their is a cease..."
24 @Gottaname 22691 "anything wrong with it so far?"
25 +speedfreek16 21850 "i've been drinknig rum and cola"
26 @BOT[Chii] 19900 "Now Bromithia you must do the high five with Tatsumi ^_^;!!!"
27 %meteorcloud 19238 "people here have some nice yu gi oh scan????=/"
28 @Tama-Neko 18717 "Does she weigh much as a duck?"
29 +Darthas 17908 "fuck him and his auto-tuned temperature house"
30 @Rex 17552 "14.  Mar: What is the full name of this series?"
31 +UsagixKitsune 17086 "i'l be back at like......something past 10"
32 +Leafsapphire 16127 "I have a bet with Darthas that I need to act as a girl for a week"
33 @sword 15552 "yeah i cant talk on mic.."
34 %einna 14764 "lima: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v321/einnalynh/pic-hi_res.jpg"
35 %levIN 14580 "pvp i hardly use necro"
36 +a_loli 14386 "HDTVs is expensive >_>;"
37 @Keltosh 14277 "I have 28 candidates pics to submit"
38 @Zenislev 14256 "and they'll actually write it down"
39 @MC 13456 "I only recall screens with some flames and stuff =|"
40 +GingaNoYousei 12538 "and Helga's daughter is saved...and her name is Sunny"
41 +Rein 12282 "you can see grey through the grey and the grey is so grey, despite..."
42 %xandman 12020 "im trying to get a streak"
43 +Vivid-Rein 11839 "sammo is a sexy bastard!"
44 +makhan 11066 "Grazing field for swine and horses"
45 @Bernouli 10775 "yeah and for some reason"
46 @wuschel 10752 "o_O sora yeah im fine"

These people wrote less than 10000 lines:
+Toushi (9386) +KorganoS (9144) %AirMaster (8910) %Kdshortman (8724) @boink (8543) +dMp (8256)
@Sophonax (7829) +Souju-chan (7746) %chibi-lizard (7131) +Cammie (6706) %sleepworking (6556) +awkwardusername (6538)
@Cldmani (6309) %TheMuz (6276) +Tenma-chan (6147) %shichibukai (6137) +Casshern (5960) @PANDAgirl (5919)
@Euna (5482) @cyberstorm (5465) %Kyuichi (5455) %Mordin (5399) @Nuriko[APA] (5208) +shadowdude (4973)
@Jinzhou (4973) +KoutaroKun (4968) @Meg (4940) %dArKzlevIN (4905) %MW|Away (4888) %ayanechan (4880)
+Athrun`Zala (4607) %BorisGrishenko (4597) +Miyama-Yuuna (4458) +neka (4327) +chibi`kyo (4178) +Kurosawa (4155)
+ShoukoLin (4122) @biriwilg (4091) %Angel|x_x (4086) +Sapphire-chan (3852) +Valuna (3793) +Medlir (3756)
@|shinta| (3749) +Shuei (3651) +SakaiYuji (3642) @kev (3626) +Alex_Dino (3351) %Evanrued (3211)
+kozu (3205) @TheKatzbalgerIsGettingADSL (3096) +NietonoNoShana (2966) +Ashley (2922) +Criox (2901) +Applejax (2864)
+Gotta[BOT] (2837) +ChIbI-AtHrUn (2809) %bucket_shot (2798) +ShoukoLeaf (2666) %Angelette (2546) @photoshopdocument (2359)

The remaining 2406 nicks didn't talk that much...

Time of day stats

(Hours 0-6)
Early birds
(Hours 6-12)
Afternoon shift
(Hours 12-18)
Evening chatters
(Hours 18-24)
1jackalx66 - 24438
jackalx66 - 32578
Bromithia - 25617
Bromithia - 37486
2TheRavenIsUnSkill - 23785
MadWiz - 24864
Limality - 25475
w00tazn - 34969
3Bromithia - 23712
aibuster - 21405
merynoko - 23097
frozenwilderness - 34966
4CyanideBlizzard - 22267
Katzbalger - 18920
CyanideBlizzard - 21300
CyanideBlizzard - 31181
5sammo - 21252
Limality - 16034
jackalx66 - 19602
TheRavenIsUnSkill - 28093
6Katzbalger - 18892
muz - 12395
ShiNN84 - 19034
candy-chan - 22170
7|Osiris| - 17204
TheRavenIsUnSkill - 12290
aibuster - 18879
winterlilac09 - 21735
8w00tazn - 16400
Gottaname - 11891
muz - 15281
|Osiris| - 18813
9FallenAngel - 14162
ShiNN84 - 11356
frozenwilderness - 14297
sammo - 16398
10MadWiz - 13522
Dustin` - 9347
TheRavenIsUnSkill - 14277
FallenAngel - 13035

#minitokyo relation map

#minitokyo relation map generated by mIRCStats v1.23
• Line thickness corresponds to the relation strength
• Line colors show the relation importance for each nick
  More important           Less important

Topic tracking

20 latest topics from #minitokyo

At Topic Nick
3.11.2010 21:02'-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª| '' M i n i T o k y o . N e t C h a t R o o m"...TheRavenIsUnSkill
25.10.2010 19:15'-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª| '' M i n i T o k y o . N e t C h a t R o o m"...Nolan
6:14'-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª| '' M i n i T o k y o . N e t C h a t R o o m"...Nolan
17.10.2010 16:43'-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª| '' M i n i T o k y o . N e t C h a t R o o m"...CyanideBlizzard
15:27'-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª| '' M i n i T o k y o . N e t C h a t R o o m"...CyanideBlizzard
14:01'-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª| '' M i n i T o k y o . N e t C h a t R o o m"...CyanideBlizzard
18.5.2010 7:06'-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª| '' M i n i T o k y o . N e t C h a t R o o m"' |-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª...Dustin`
27.4.2008 21:11'-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª| '' M i n i T o k y o . N e t C h a t R o o m"...Tama-Neko
8.3.2008 19:22'-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª| '' M i n i T o k y o . N e t C h a t R o o m"...Tama-Neko
24.2.2008 13:17'-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª| '' M i n i T o k y o . N e t C h a t R o o m"...Tama-Neko
20.2.2008 0:00'-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª| '' M i n i T o k y o . N e t C h a t R o o m"...Tama-Neko
2.8.2007 22:48'-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª| '' M i n i T o k y o . N e t C h a t R o o m"...Tama-Neko
27.7.2007 1:34'-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª| '' M i n i T o k y o . N e t C h a t R o o m"...Tama-Neko
25.7.2007 0:00'-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª| '' M i n i T o k y o . N e t C h a t R o o m"...Tama-Neko
19.7.2007 1:32'-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª| '' M i n i T o k y o . N e t C h a t R o o m"...Tama-Neko
15.7.2007 0:48'-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª| '' M i n i T o k y o . N e t C h a t R o o m"...Tama-Neko
11.7.2007 21:39'-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª| '' M i n i T o k y o . N e t C h a t R o o m"...Tama-Neko
9.7.2007 21:40'-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª| '' M i n i T o k y o . N e t C h a t R o o m"...Tama-Neko
1.7.2007 23:19'-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª| '' M i n i T o k y o . N e t C h a t R o o m"...Tama-Neko
13.6.2007 12:57'-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª| '' M i n i T o k y o . N e t C h a t R o o m"...nekosasu

20 random topics
At Topic Nick
16.4.2007 1:02'-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª| '' M i n i T o k y o . N e t C h a t R o o m"' |-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª...Tama-Neko
15.4.2007 16:49'-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª| '' M i n i T o k y o . N e t C h a t R o o m"' |-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª...Tama-Neko
14.4.2007 21:27'-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª| '' M i n i T o k y o . N e t C h a t R o o m"' |-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª...Tama-Neko
13.4.2007 0:07'-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª| '' M i n i T o k y o . N e t C h a t R o o m"' |-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª...Tama-Neko
11.3.2007 15:19'-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª| '' M i n i T o k y o . N e t C h a t R o o m"' |-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª|-ª...Tama-Neko
18.2.2007 15:14',0¦|,0¦|5,0¦|,15¦|4,15¦|4,15¦|,14¦|4,1¦|,1 '' M i n i T o k y o . N e t C h...candy|walling
17.2.2007 17:02'¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦| '' M i n i T o k y o . N e t C h a t R o o m"' |¦|¦|¦...|Osiris|
17.2.2007 17:02INAIcandy-chan
17.1.2007 14:59¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦| '' M i n i T o k y o . N e t C h a t R o o m"' |¦|¦|¦...muz
17.1.2007 14:58¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦| '' M i n i T o k y o . N e t C h a t R o o m"' |¦|¦|¦...aibuster
4.10.2006 23:58¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦| '' M i n i T o k y o . N e t C h a t R o o m"' |¦|¦|¦...|Osiris|
9.8.2006 8:01¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦| '' M i n i T o k y o . N e t C h a t R o o m"' |¦|¦|¦...Katzbalger|AgeUp
2.8.2006 0:49¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦| '' M i n i T o k y o . N e t C h a t R o o m"' |¦|¦|¦...Katzbalger
20.12.2005 21:37¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦| '"' M i n i T o k y o . N e t C h a t R o o m"' |¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦ | | #minitokyo:...nekosasu_19
4.12.2005 5:01¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦| '"' M i n i T o k y o . N e t C h a t R o o m"' |¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦ | | #minitokyo:...MuZ0NaZ
23.4.2005 0:00¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦| '"' M i n i T o k y o . N e t C h a t R o o m"' |¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦ http://groups....Tama-Neko
2.3.2005 23:30¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦| '"' M i n i T o k y o . N e t C h a t R o o m"' |¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦ http://groups....w00tazn
21.2.2005 23:16¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦| '"' M i n i T o k y o . N e t C h a t R o o m"' |¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦ http://groups....|Osiris|
25.12.2004 16:00¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦| '"' M i n i T o k y o . N e t C h a t R o o m"' |¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦ http://groups....Dustin`
12.12.2004 18:23¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦| |¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦|¦ | http://groups.minitokyo.net/irc/ | IRC Stats: http://uurainen.com/mt...biriwilg

146 topic changes between 23.11.2004 and 15.4.2011

Long term statistics - six month sections


11 - 12
1 - 6
7 - 12
1 - 6
7 - 12
1 - 6
7 - 12
1 - 6
7 - 12
1 - 6
7 - 12
1 - 6
7 - 12
1 - 6
Total line count: 1,984,837
Estimate for this section: 183400 lines.

The busiest month on #minitokyo has been 3/2005 with a line count of 259661

1. Main page2. Detailed info
Daily statsPersonal stats
Hourly statsCustom stats
Weekly statsBIG numbers
User statsChat partners
Time of day statsActive days
Relation mapActivity distribution
TopicsLine lengths
Long term statsWord stats
 URL tracking

This page was created on 15.4.2011 21:40 with mIRCStats v1.23
Run time: 21 seconds. English language file done by Ave & GreenReaper
mIRCStats is © 1998-2011 by Mikko "Ave" Auvinen